Thursday, January 19, 2012

I whine, I get chores!

Ben earns chores instead of timeouts when he breaks a rule or is disrespectful. Sam still gets time outs. Here is our conversation just now:

Sam: "I do my trash for a chore!" (as he carrying the trash to empty it).
Me: "Okay, do you want to get paid?"
Sam: "I not get paid." (pause)
Sam: " Oh, yes, I get paid."
Me: " Okay, 25 cents for all three trashes."
Sam: " I whine, I get chores?"
Me: "You want to get chores for whining?"
Sam: "Yes".
Me: "But then you don't get paid. It's better to do chores without whining and get paid instead."
Sam: "No, I whine, I get chores! It's a good plan!"

This is where big brother worship backfires a little.

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