Monday, August 3, 2009

A Conversation with Ben

This was a conversation Ben and I had one evening during summer school.

Ben: Can you help me choose which stuffed animal to take to school tomorrow?
Mom: Sure. You have some really interesting SMALL stuffed animals. Why don't you take one of them?
Ben: Three. I should take three.
Mom: I think you're only supposed to take one.
Ben: One BIG one!
(After a few more iterations..."How about this one?"..."Maybe this one?")
Ben: I'm going to take YOUR advice, Mom, and take TWO. But not any meat-eaters. Those are definitely out.



  1. He must like vegan stuffed animals. I hear it's a new trend with 1st graders.

  2. ha ha! Both your boys crack me up!
    Maybe he was afraid the meat eaters would consume the other stuffed animals... very thoughtful. :)

  3. totally got it right. I asked him about it because I just HAD to know. That was indeed his concern.
