A whopping 3 ounces and 3 1/2 inches long. Boy or girl? We don't know yet. She's only 14 weeks in these pictures. We may find out as early as next month. Due February 15th.
Another great summer trip to Carlsbad, CA. Loved being with Rob and the kids. The weather was such a nice break. We visited the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center where the kids panned for gold and Sam did some washing. The beach was just what we needed. We did Sea World as a family and we got to break the happy news about the new baby to the kids while we were there.
A great trip to Fritz's and the Rainforest exhibit at Crown Center. Gabe, JJ, Ben, and Sam all had a great time! Somehow, they look right at home in the Gorilla's Nest...Hmmm... :-)
The Sports Center for the Disabled hosted a Soccer Camp in June.
It was HOT!
But lots of fun to see so many kiddos having a blast with the Kansas City Sporting Soccer Team. Ben and other siblings got in on some of the action too.
This June was Ben's first year at Cub Scout Day Camp. He was there with cousin JJ and a bunch of other buddies from church. It was a blast! He was one of the only scouts who got a bulls eye at both the shooting range and archery range. Are there any better bragging rights when you're eight?